Comrades of the Green Crescent"The Internet is littered with statements by scum who accuse the federal government of blowing up apartment houses, allegedly in order to increase Putin's popularity rating. What nonsense! Our ratings are increased the Chubais way -- with boxloads of money. And this fifth column rabble is addling the brains of immature citizens who eagerly accept on faith anything that contradicts the official versions - so conditioned is their perception. State propaganda is losing the information war at present."
Source: d-pankratov
"An Islamic community will emerge, inshallah, one that's above the closed and mutually hostile diasporas, and independent of them. And it's important that within this community ethnic hostility and arrogance should be overcome. At the same time, however, the natural national and cultural differences should not be leveled out but protected in the interests of rapprochement, and not with the aim of whipping up hatred among Muslims."
Source: sestra-fatima
"Russia's Islamic community consists of two large indigenous blocks: the Turkic and the Caucasian, as well as a growing segment of converts - Russian and Russian-speaking Muslims."
Source: v-sidorov
"As far as I'm aware, the comrades of the Green Crescent know how to produce WMD, perhaps not state of the art, but they have the knowledge. On the part of the Islamic theologians there is approval or justification for such actions. There remains the question of the actual production itself, which is on hold and is not being implemented."
Source: mininuke
"The Chechen names Izrailov, Israpilov, Yitzhakov, Daudov, Musayev, Musoyev, Nukhayev, Suleimanov speak for themselves.... .Ruslan Khasbulatov once said that about 30% of Chechens have Jewish roots. This ties in with the old Chechen joke that when three people are gathered together, one of them will be a Jew. Dudayev was also a Chechen of Jewish descent... Dudayev urged people to pray three times a day, which corresponds to the Jewish custom, not the Muslim one."
Source: Stepnoy volk (Translation by DM) (P,DM)