September 13th 2002 · Russian National Committee "For the End of the War" · PRINTER FRIENDLY FORMAT · E-MAIL THIS · ALSO AVAILABLE IN: RUSSIAN 

"A war with Georgia will be a catastrophe for Russia"

Russian National Committee "For the End of the War and the Establishment of Peace in the Chechen Republic"

The stream of martial statements to the address of Georgia has reached its highest degree. President Putin not only issued a maximally sharp ultimatum to Russia's southern neighbour - he also publicly commissioned the power structures to prepare a military operation against a sovereign state. Not one of the leaders of our country ever allowed himself anything similar.

We declare that any attempt to invade Georgia will become an absolute catastrophe for Russia. Georgia isn't simply a weak and impoverished adjacent state that with great difficulty overcomes ruin and is strengthening its democratic statehood. The Georgian people is a century-old friend and spiritual brother of Russia. An attack on Georgia will be a most grave crime against Russian history and statehood. It will be an attack on the heart of Russia itself, and its terrible consequences will be suffered by many generations to come. An aggression against Georgia will inevitably become the detonator of a new all-Caucasian war, whose flames will whip not only the territories of Georgia and other states of the South Caucasus, but will spread to the Russian North Caucasus as well.

The attempt to move the war to Transcaucasia is the most obvious acknowledgement of the fact that the military-political leadership of Russia has realized that the Chechen war is a completely blind alley. Instead of starting peaceful political negotiations, the need of which is stated more and more frequently by prominent Russian politicians and public figures, we see a tendency towards an unrestrained escalation of the conflict. A similar modus operandi has already been tested: by France, when it turned the impossibility of a military victory in Algeria into aggressive actions against Egypt and Tunisia, and by the USA, when they attempted to solve the impasse of the Vietnam war by an intrusion into Cambodia. Is it necessary for the Russian authorities again to step on the customary rakes?

The justifications for the prepared war are primitive, cynical and deceitful! There isn't and there can't be any comparison between Shevardnadze's Georgia and Saddam Hussein's Iraq; this is self-evident. It is also self-evident that if the Russian side hasn't been able to choke the armed resistance in Chechnya for three years, they'll be even less able to be victorious after extending the war to the large territory on the other side of the Caucasian Ridge.

We call the Federation Council not to give permission to an invasion of Georgia, not to take the most grave historical responsibility for this adventure upon ourselves.

We call the countries of the West to state clearly and unequivocally to the government of Russia that an aggression against Georgia is inadmissible.

We call the Russian and the world community to stand up against a new Caucasian war, to demand the immediate start of peaceful negotiations with Maskhadov, since the course of events has shown that the continuation of the Chechen war inevitably will lead to it being extended, which will result in a very serious international crisis.

On behalf of the members of the Russian National Committee "For an End of the War and the Establishment of Peace in the Chechen Republic"

E.G. Bonner, Andrey Sakharov Foundation;
S.A. Gannushkina, Committee "Civil Assistance";
L.D. Gukov, Doctore of Philosophical Sciences;
S.A. Kovalyov, Deputy of the RF State Duma;
O.P. Orlov, Human Rights Centre "Memorial";
L.A. Ponomaryov, All-Russian Movement "For Human Rights";
Yu.V. Samodurov, Andrey Sakharov Museum and Public Centre;
A.P.Tkachenko, Writer, Russian Pen Centre;
A.A. Yaz'kova, Doctor of Historical Sciences;
I.G. Yakovenko, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences.

13 September 2002.

Translated by Norbert Strade (Chechnya Short-list at Yahoogroups).



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