Select bibliography of Chechnya-related works

The following is our reading list of mainly English-language books on the subject of Chechnya, its people, history and culture. While not exhaustive, the list presents an overview of over 50 of the most essential texts.


Awde, Nicholas, and Galaev, Muhammad: Chechen-English and English-Chechen Dictionary and Phrasebook, Curzon Press, UK, 1997. 176pp. ISBN-10: 0781804469  ISBN-13: 978-0781804462.  A survey of the Chechen language, aimed at the student or traveller, and containing an introduction to basic grammar, a pronunciation guide, a chart of the alphabet, a dictionary and a multi-purpose phrasebook.

Babchenko, Arkady:  One Soldier's War, Grove Press, 2008. 432pp. ISBN-10: 0802118607. ISBN-13: 978-0802118608. A harrowing memoir by a young Russian soldier about his experience in the Chechen wars.

Baiev, Khassan and Daniloff, Ruth: The Oath: A Surgeon Under Fire, Walker Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 2004. 320pp.  ISBN-10: 0802714048. ISBN-13: 978-0802714046. An independent eyewitness account of the war in Chechnya by a medical doctor whose experiences of treating the wounded from both sides, soldiers and civilians, are documented in a personal and graphic account.

Barrett, Thomas M.: At the Edge of Empire: The Terek Cossacks and the North Caucasus Frontier, 1700-1860, Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1999. 243pp. ISBN-10: 0813336716. ISBN-13: 978-0813336718. A book which examines the history of the Cossack frontier settlements in the North Caucasus during the 18th and 19th centuries, with special focus on the Terek Cossacks, who became servants of the Russian state, warriors, and occasionally soldiers for (and deserters from) the Russian imperial armies.

Bennett, Vanora: Crying Wolf: the Return of War to Chechnya, Pan Macmillan, UK, 2001. 608pp. ISBN: 9780330488310 ISBN-10: 0330488317. An account of the one million Chechens who, following the collapse of the Soviet Union, found themselves cast as the enemy of the new Russian state.

Bird, Chris: To Catch a Tartar, John Murray, UK, 2003. 320pp. ISBN-10: 0719565065. ISBN-13: 978-0719565069. The author, who set off on a post-Soviet tour of Russia with his young family and got caught up in the 1994 Chechnya war, sets in context both the war and the Caucasus region as a whole , annotating his account with references to the literature of Russia and the North Caucasus, and illustrating his journey with maps.

Bjorken, Johanna: Welcome to Hell – Arbitrary Detention, Torture, and Extortion in Chechnya, Human Rights Watch, 2000. ISBN: 156432253-X. 86pp. Among other things, the book contains a detailed account of torture and abuse at the Chernokozovo filtration camp in Chechnya. The text is available online.

Cassidy, Robert M.: Russia in Afghanistan and Chechnya: Military Strategic Culture and the Paradoxes of Asymmetric Conflict, Strategic Studies Institute (U.S. Army War College), 2003. 75pp. ISBN-10: 1584871105. ISBN-13: 978-1584871101. The author uses a detailed assessment of the Russian experience in Afghanistan and Chechnya to draw important conclusions about asymmetric warfare, suggesting that the U.S. military in general, including the Army, needs a cultural transformation to master the challenge of asymmetry fully.

Cornell, Svante E.: Small Nations and Great Powers: A Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict in the Caucasus, Curzon Press, UK, 2000. 480pp. ISBN-10: 0700711627. ISBN-13: 978-0700711628. The author explores the conflicts of the Caucasus, the interests guiding the foreign powers involved in the area, and the geopolitical game resulting from this involvement.

Derluguian, Georgi M.: Bourdieu's Secret Admirer in the Caucasus: A World-System Biography, University of Chicago Press, 2005. 416pp. ISBN-10: 0226142825 . ISBN-13: 978-0226142821. In this account of the developmental dynamics involved in the collapse of Soviet socialism, the author reconstructs the life story of Musa Shanib—who from a small town in the Caucasus grew to be a prominent leader in the Chechen revolution. Derluguian contextualizes Shanib's personal trajectory from de-Stalinization through the nationalist rebellions of the 1990s, to the recent rise in Islamic militancy.

Dunlop, John B.: Russia Confronts Chechnya: Roots of a Separatist Conflict, Cambridge University Press, UK, 1998. 248pp. ISBN-10: 0521636191. ISBN-13: 978-0521636193. An analysis of the general and historical background to the Russian invasion of Chechnya in 1994.

Dunlop, John B.: The 2002 Dubrovka and 2004 Beslan Hostage Crises: A Critique of Russian Counter-Terrorism, Ibidem, 2006. 166pp. ISBN-10: 389821608X. ISBN-13: 978-3898216081. This volume contains by far the most complete reports available in English concerning two major terrorist incidents in Russia: the October 2002 seizure of a Moscow theater at Dubrovka and the September 2004 taking of a large school in Beslan in southern Russia, and focuses on the failure of the Russian special forces to prevent these two incidents.

Evangelista, Matthew: The Chechen Wars: Will Russia Go the Way of the Soviet Union?, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 2002. 352pp. ISBN 0-8157-2498-5 and 0-8157-2499-3. A study of the causes of the Chechen wars of 1994 and 1999, and an examination of Moscow’s claims that the Russian Federation was too fragile to withstand the potential loss of one rebellious republic, with special reference to the dangers of authoritarian recentralization.

Fowkes, Ben (editor): Russia and Chechnia: The Permanent Crisis: Essays on Russo-Chechen Relations, St Martin’s Press, UK, 1998. 188pp. ISBN-10: 0312211279, ISBN-13: 978-0312211271. A collection of essays by different authors who explore the relationship between the Chechens and their Russian conquerors, and the rise of Chechen national feeling which culminated in the war of 1994-1996.

Gall, Carlotta and de Waal, Thomas: Chechnya: Calamity in the Caucasus, New York University Press, 1999. 416pp. ISBN-10: 0814731325, ISBN-13: 978-0814731321. The first book-length account of the 1994-1996 war, by two reporters who spent many months in Chechnya, and who focus on the main antagonists, including Boris Yeltsin and Dudayev, arguing that if Russian politicians had had a better sense of the past, bloodshed might have been avoided.

Gammer, Moshe: The Lone Wolf And the Bear: Three Centuries of Chechen Defiance of Russian Rule, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006. 272pp. ISBN-10: 0822958988. ISBN-13: 978-0822958987. A historical study of Chechnya, with emphasis on the modern period, making use of difficult-to-access research material not otherwise widely available.

German, Tracey C.: Russia’s Chechen War, RoutledgeCurzon, UK, 2003. 256pp. ISBN-10: 0415297206. ISBN-13: 978-0415297202. A study which demonstrates that the Russian invasion of Chechnya in 1994 represented the culmination of a crisis that was perceived to have become an increasing threat not only to the stability of the North Caucasus region, but also to the very foundations of Russian security, and examines the implications of the 1991 Chechen Declaration of Independence in the context of Russia's democratization project.

Goltz, Thomas: Chechnya Diary: A War Correspondent’s Story of Surviving the War in Chechnya, Thomas Dunne Books, 2003. 352pp. ISBN-10: 0312268742. ISBN-13: 978-0312268749. A story about “the story” of the war in Chechnya, and specifically of the Samashki Massacre, a symbol of the Russian brutality that was used to suppress the Chechen resistance.

Goytisolo, Juan: Landscapes of War: from Sarajevo to Chechnya, Middlesex University Press, UK, 2001. 225pp. ISBN-10: 1898253447. ISBN-13: 978-1898253440. A book by a cosmopolitan Spanish writer who, among other things,draws a parallel between the historical experience of Chechnya and that of Algeria.

Greene, Stanley: Open Wound: Chechnya 1994-2003, Trolley Books, UK, 2004. 220pp. ISBN-10: 1904563015. ISBN-13: 978-1904563013. A vivid work of photojournalism about the two Chechen wars, with texts by André Glucksmann and Christian Caujolle.

Griffin, Nicholas: Caucasus: A Journey to the Land between Christianity and Islam, University of Chicago Press, 2004. 256pp. ISBN-10: 0226308596. ISBN-13: 978-0226308593. A travelogue about the Caucasus region, focusing on the story of the Imam Shamil, the great nineteenth century Muslim warrior who commanded a quarter-century of resistance against invading Russian forces.

Hahn, Gordon M.: Russia’s Islamic Threat, Yale University Press, 2007. 368pp. ISBN-10: 030012077X. ISBN-13: 978-0300120776. The book lifts the veil on the Muslim challenge to Russia’s political stability, national security, and state integrity as well as the potentially grave threat to international and U.S. security, and also offers a series of recommendations for policymakers.

Herspring, Dale R.(editor and contributor): Putin's Russia: Past Imperfect, Future Uncertain (3rd edition), Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2006. 256pp. ISBN-10: 0742553930. ISBN-13: 978-0742553934. A thoroughly revised and updated series of essays by acknowledged authorities on Russia, offering an analysis of issues of domestic and foreign policy, including the conflict in Chechnya.  

Hughes, James: Chechnya: from Nationalism to Jihad, Pennsylvania University Press, 2007. 296pp. ISBN-10: 0812240138. ISBN-13: 978-0812240139. An analysis of the causes and dynamics of the Chechen conflict from the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 to the present day. Rejecting historicist explanations, the book traces the conflict's origins to the politics of nationalism and the demands for national self-determination in the region in the late 1980s.

Jaimoukha, A.: The Chechens: A Handbook, Routledge, UK, 2005. 336pp. A comprehensive survey of the history, culture and religious traditions of the Chechen people, including an account of the short-lived Chechen film industry, the images of Chechens propagated by Russian and Western media, and a section of Chechen proverbs and sayings.

Jeska, Andrea, Sadulaev, Musa, Marsland, Rebecca (translator):  Chechnya's Forgotten Children (Tschetscheniens vergessene Kinder), Brendow, Germany, 2007.146pp. ISBN 978-3-86506-189-8   3-86506-189-3. A book in German, Russian and English about a childhood in Chechnya, accompanied by photographs.

Karny, Yo’av: Highlanders: A Journey to the Caucasus in Quest of Memory, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2001. 464pp. ISBN-10: 0374528128. ISBN-13: 978-0374528126. A memoir and historical study of the Caucasus which gives particular attention to the role of collective memories in fuelling conflicts that may at first glance seem almost incomprehensible to outsiders – notably the long war in Chechnya which, though it has only recently entered the headlines of the world news, has been raging for centuries.

Khan, Muhammad Iqbal: The Muslims of Chechnya: Struggle for Independence, Islamic Foundation, 1995. 32pp. ISBN-10: 0860372499. ISBN-13: 978-0860372493. An overview of the history of Islam in Chechnya, with special reference to the concept of gazavat, or jihad.

King, Charles: The Ghost of Freedom: A History of the Caucasus, Oxford University Press, USA, 2008. 320pp. ISBN-10: 0195177754 ISBN-13: 978-0195177756. The first general history of the modern Caucasus, stretching from the beginning of Russian imperial expansion up to the rise of new countries after the Soviet Union's collapse, the book explains the origins of modern disputes, including the war in Chechnya, conflicts in Georgia and Azerbaijan, and debates over oil from the Caspian Sea and its impact on world markets.

Knezys, Stasys and Sedlickas, Romanas: The War in Chechnya, Texas A&M University Press, 1999. 359pp. ISBN-10: 089096856X. ISBN-13: 978-0890968567. An account of the Chechen war of 1994-1996 which concentrates on battle tactics, but which also shows how the conflict reduced many of Chechnya's cities to rubble, turned much of its population into refugees, and, according to the authors, involved countless massive atrocities by Russian troops against civilians.

Kuchins, Andrew C. (editor): Russia After The Fall, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2002. 288pp. ISBN-10: 087003197X. ISBN-13: 978-0870031977. A collection of essays by renowned experts (who include Anders Åslund, Andrew C. Kuchins, Michael McFaul and Dmitri Trenin) on Russian politics, economics, society, and foreign and security policy, providing retrospective analyses of how Russia has fared in its reform efforts and a prospective look at the challenges ahead.

Lieven, Anatol: Chechnya: Tombstone of Russian Power, Yale University Press, 1999. 448pp. ISBN-10: 0300078811. ISBN-13: 978-0300078817. The book examines the long, troubled history of Russian-Chechen relations, which the author sees based in a mutual contempt between the two sides, and concludes that the war of 1994-1996 “has thrown [light] on one of the most important developments of our time: the end of Russia as a great military and imperial power.”

Lokshina, Tanya (ed.):The Imposition of a Fake Political Settlement in the Northern Caucasus: The 2003 Chechen Presidential Election (Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society 22), ibidem-Verlag, Germany, 290pp. The book explains why Russia's "War on Terror" shows little sign of success. It provides first-hand accounts of recent developments in Chechnya, and is supplemented with thematic summaries as well as numerous documents.

Matveeva, Anna: The North Caucasus: Russia’s Fragile Borderland, Royal Institute of International Affairs, UK, 2000. 97pp. ISBN-10: 1862030626. ISBN-13: 978-1862030626. An analysis of the political and economic development of the ethnic republics of the North Caucasus in post-communist Russia and the prospects for greater stability in the region, including the resolution of existing conflicts.

Meier, Andrew: Black Earth: A Journey Through Russia After the Fall, W. W. Norton & Company, 2005. 516pp. ISBN-10: 0393326411. ISBN-13: 978-0393326413. A travel documentary chronicling the author’s journey through Russia in the late 1990s, and including an account of the Chechen conflict and interviews with survivors of the Aldy massacre, when at least 60 Grozny residents were murdered by Russian soldiers.

Meier, Andrew: Chechnya: To the Heart of a Conflict, W.W. Norton & Company, 2004. 131pp. ISBN-10: 0393327329. ISBN-13: 978-0393327328. A book which, in Anne Applebaum’s words, “describes not only the politics and the morality of the war, but what it feels like to be there.” Readers should note that this text is identical with the chapter on Chechnya in Black Earth.

Nedkov, Vesselin: 57 Hours: A Survivor’s Account of the Moscow Hostage Drama, Penguin Global, 2004. 256pp. ISBN-10: 0670044350.ISBN-13: 978-0670044351. A book by a Canadian resident who found himself caught up in the Dubrovka theatre siege, and wrote an account of his experience which also fills in some of the Chechnya-related historical and political background to it.

Nikolaev, Yu. V. (editor): Chechnya Revisited, Nova Science Publishers, 2004. 169pp. ISBN-10: 1590332385. ISBN-13: 978-1590332382. The book features texts – some already previously published – by various authors who focus on the possible consequences of the Chechen conflict for American policy.

Nichols, Johanna: Chechen-English and English-Chechen Dictionary, RoutledgeCurzon, UK, 2004. 600pp. ISBN-10: 0415315948. ISBN-13: 978-0415315944. This bilingual dictionary has approximately 5000 Chechen words and about 5000 English words -- the Chechen words are cited in both current Cyrillic orthography and the Latin system, while entries have full grammatical information and glosses include alternatives and comments so as to convey the full meanings of words (as opposed to simply translating them).

Nivat, Anne: Chienne de Guerre: A Woman Reporter Behind the Lines of the War in Chechnya, PublicAffairs, 2001. 272pp. ISBN-10: 1586480448. ISBN-13: 978-1586480448. Defying a Russian government ban on Western journalists, Nivat risked her life to cross the border in secret, disguised as a Chechen peasant, to see at first hand what was happening and to meet ordinary Chechens, many of whom feature in her narrative and describe the upheaval in their lives that was occasioned by the conflict.

O’Ballance, Edgar: Wars in the Caucasus, 1990-1995, New York University Press, 1997. 256pp. ISBN-10: 0814761925. ISBN-13: 978-0814761922. An in-depth study which examines the causes of the conflict in Chechnya and other Muslim republics and why and how Russia has failed to quell their aspirations to break away from what the inhabitants call the "tsar’s regime".

Oliker, Olga: Russia's Chechen Wars 1994-2000: Lessons from Urban Combat, RAND Corporation, 2001. 102pp. ISBN-10: 0833029983. ISBN-13: 978-0833029980. A study of urban operations in the two Chechen wars, focusing on the failure of the Russian army to develop a coherent strategy for warfare in cities and towns because of the military leadership’s belief that the urban mission could be avoided.

O’Neill, Peter: Grey Wolves Howling: A Novel of Chechnya, Robert D. Reed Publishers, 2000, 348pp. ISBN-10: 1885003587. ISBN-13: 978-1885003584. A thriller set against the background of Chechen history and current events, with special prominence given to the psychology and character of the guerrillas who challenge the Russian state.

Orr, Michael: Russia’s Wars with Chechnya, 1994-2003, Osprey Publishing, UK, 2007. 95pp. ISBN-10: 1841767344. ISBN-13: 978-1841767345. The author examines the Chechen conflict from a social, political, tactical and cultural perspective.

Panico, Christopher: Conflicts in the Caucasus: Russia’s War in Chechnya, Conflict Studies 281: Research Institute for the Study of Conflict and Terrorism, UK, 1995. 25pp. ISSN 0069-8792. A strategic study of the first Chechen war, by a Human Rights Watch/Helsinki researcher.

Phillips, Timothy: The Tragedy of School No.1, Granta UK, 2007. 224pp. ISBN-10: 1862079277. ISBN-13: 978-1862079274. In his account of the Beslan siege, the author lets the people of Beslan speak in their own words about their ordeal and about their lives in a deeply fractured region of Russia, and asks what provoked this terrible crime.

Politkovskaya, Anna: A Dirty War: A Russian Reporter in Chechnya, Harvill Press, UK, 2004. 368pp. ISBN-10: 1860468977. ISBN-13: 978-1860468971. A harrowing account of Russia’s invasion and subsequent decimation of Chechnya, which nonetheless refuses to put the blame on one side or the other, showing instead how the corrupt and clumsy system that has developed in Russia has allowed anarchy and violence to flourish.

Politkovskaya, Anna: A Small Corner of Hell: Dispatches from Chechnya [new edition], University of Chicago Press, 2007. 232pp. ISBN-10: 0226674339. ISBN-13: 978-022667433. A collection of war dispatches by the slain journalist, which reveal the venality and brutality of the Russian death squads and the lies and mendaciousness of the politicians who guide them, while emphasizing the stoicism and fortitude of ordinary Chechen people who have to live with the consequences of the civil war around them.

Politkovskaya, Anna: A Russian Diary, Harvill Secker, UK, 2007. 272pp. ISBN-10: 1846551021. ISBN-13: 978-1846551024. Politkovskaya was murdered in her apartment shortly after completing this book, a diary-like texts that begins the Russian parliamentary elections in December 2003 and ends in August 2005, chronicling the incompetence, corruption, and scandal rampant throughout the Russian government under President Vladimir Putin's leadership, from the war in Chechnya and the abandonment of Russian soldiers to the massacre of innocents in the Beslan school siege.

Russell, John: Chechnya: Russia's "War on Terror”: Routledge, UK. 2007. ISBN-10: 0415380642. ISBN-13: 978-0415380645. 272pp. ISBN-10: 0415380642. ISBN-13: 978-0415380645. The author applies theories of conflict, especially theories of terrorism and counter-terrorism, to the two recent Chechen wars, and considers how some alternative solutions might lead to a just and lasting peace in the region.

Sakwa, Richard (editor): Chechnya: From Past to Future, Anthem Press, UK, 2005. 300pp. ISBN-10: 1843311658. ISBN-13: 978-1843311652. The book, whose contributors include Emil Pain, Pavel Baev, Robert Bruce Ware, Tom de Waal and Richard Sakwa himself, provides a historical framework against which it considers the most pressing issues raised by the Chechen conflict, including those relating to human rights, international terrorism, and the future of democracy in Chechnya and Russia.

Schandermani, Alexios: Mission in Chechnya, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2003. 115pp. ISBN-10: 1590333691. ISBN-13: 978-1590333693. An account of the Chechnya conflict told from the perspective of a Red Cross employee.

Schwartz, Stephen: Chechnya’s Challenge to Russian Superpower, Anthem Press, UK, 2000. 280pp. ISBN-10: 1898855579. ISBN-13: 978-1898855576. An overview of the Chechen conflict which suggests that autonomy, not independence, might be the best way forward for the small republic. S

Seely, Robert: The Russian-Chechen Conflict 1800-2000: A Deadly Embrace, Routledge, UK, 2001. 352pp. ISBN-10: 0714649929. ISBN-13: 978-071464992. The book charts the bitter history between Russia and the Chechens and explains why the war took place. Points are raised about the nature of Soviet politics and army and the successes and failures of the transition from Soviet to post-Soviet political values.

Seierstad, Asne: The Angel of Grozny, Virago, UK, 2008. 352pp. ISBN-10: 1844083950  ISBN-13: 978-1844083954.The author began her writing career as a Moscow correspondent, and the conflict in Chechnya was the first war she covered. Now ten years later, she returns to Chechnya and discovers that though the world's attention has moved on, the tragedy has continued.

Smith, Sebastian: Allah’s Mountains: The Battle for Chechnya, Tauris Parke Paperbacks [new edition], UK, 2005. 328pp. ISBN-10: 1850439796. ISBN-13: 978-1850439790. A mixture of travelogue, history and war journalism , the book describes the history of the Chechen people and tells the story of their conflict with Russia.

Souleimanov, Emil: An Endless War: The Russian-Chechen Conflict in Perspective [first edition], Peter Lang Publishing, Germany, 2006. 366pp. ISBN-10: 0820487651. ISBN-13: 978-0820487656. The book not only discusses the Chechen conflict, but also provides a detailed examination of related issues, such as the murder of Aslan Maskhadov, the Nord-Ost hostage-taking crisis in Moscow and the Beslan attack.

Spencer, Metta (editor): Separatism: Democracy and Disintegration, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 1998. 265pp. ISBN-10: 0847685853. ISBN-13: 978-084768585. A comparative view of nine historic separatist movements, some of which have achieved the break-up of an empire or a state, and others that to date have not.

Tirmazi, Syeed A.I.: Chechnya: Tragedies and Triumphs, S.A.I. Tirmazi, 2000. 253pp. ASIN: B0000CPDX7. A work by a Pakistani author with an army background, who characterizes Chechnya as a “military democracy”, a country in which times of danger and threats of aggression are traditionally put into the hands of an elected military leader.

Tishkov, Valery: Chechnya: Life in a War-Torn Society [first edition], University of California Press, 2004. 302pp. ISBN-10: 0520238885. ISBN-13: 978-0520238886. A book by a Russian anthropologist who has also served in several political posts, this work attempts to present a balanced account of a cultural climate where "even the slightest of differences can be used to justify violence."

Trenin, Dmitri and Malashenko, Aleksei: Russia's Restless Frontier: The Chechnya Factor in Post-Soviet Russia, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2004. 253pp. ISBN-10: 0870032038. ISBN-13: 978-0870032035. The authors examine the impact of Chechnya on Russia's military, domestic politics, foreign policy, and ethnic relations, and argue that the Chechen factor must be addressed before Russia can continue its development.

Trepavlov, V.V. and Sakharov, A.N.: Russia and North Caucasus: 400 Years of War?, Edwin Mellen Press, 1999. 40pp. ISBN-10: 0773479171. ISBN-13: 978-0773479173. A Russian-language text.

Wagnsson, Charlotte: Russian political language and public opinion on the West, NATO, and Chechnya: Securitisation theory reconsidered, University of Stockholm, 2000. 239pp. ISBN-10: 9172651350. ISBN-13: 978-9172651357. Presenting the issues in a modern Russian context, the dissertation argues that when the political power apparatus that we call the state is threatened, the value of sovereignty becomes a main focus, but when the community we refer to as the nation is threatened, the value of identity occupies a central position.

Wood, Tony: Chechnya: The Case for Independence, Verso Books, UK, 2007. 160pp. ISBN-10: 1844671143. ISBN-13: 978-1844671144. The author examines Russo-Chechen relations over the past century and a half, as well as the fate of the region since the fall of the Soviet Union, and sharply criticizes the role of Western nations in the struggle.

Zelkina, Anna: In Quest for God and Freedom. Sufi Responses to the Russian Advance in the North Caucasus, New York University Press, 2000. 256pp. ISBN-10: 0814796958. ISBN-13: 978-0814796955. A study of the 19th century Chechen Sufi brotherhoods, mainly the Naqshbandiyya, under whose charge the resistance against Russia was conducted.

Zelkina, Anna: The Chechens: A Handbook, RoutledgeCurzon, 2005. 336pp. ISBN-10: 0415323282, ISBN-13: 978-0415323284. An introduction and practical guide to the Chechen people and some aspects of Chechen culture, including customs and traditions, folklore, arts and architecture, music, literature, and socio-political life, together with an account of Chechen history from ancient times and sketches of archaic religions and civilizations.


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