No asylum |
One refugee, who described the violent deaths of five members of his family, was told by a migration official: “But you weren’t killed, so why did you become a refugee?” |
The burden of "Euro-tourism" |
Europe’s response has been tough: in 2007 the majority of asylum seekers from the Caucasus had their applications rejected. Benefits have been cut to subsistence level, which helps to screen out those who have come in search of an easy life. |
The refugees' cannon |
If the Arabs spent all day sipping coffee and smoking in the shade of the trees, and the Somalis meditated for hours to the sound of their melodies, the refugees from the former Soviet Union were in painful search of adventure. |
The house where Jack hid |
It is possible that the magic transformation was also brought about by the fact that the Chechens have been forced to withdraw all their vitality from the political sphere and hide it behind an impenetrable wall of family life. |
Death in Europe (weekly review) |
Part of the blame lies with the refugees themselves, since when they apply for asylum the vast majority of them do not tell the truth, and claim to have been members of the resistance. |
The evolution of terror (weekly review) |
The final stage in the development of the new terrorist strategy should be viewed as having been reached in late 2009, with the bombing of the Nevsky Express passenger train on November 27, in which 27 people died. |
Chechnya – school of courage (weekly review) |
The problem is that the remaining checkpoints, which "outwardly resemble fortresses", "surrounded by barbed wire and minefields”, continue to mark Chechnya out as a territory of war, beyond the Chechen leadership’s full control. |
The cancer ward (weekly review) |
Putin's promise to “flush the extremists down the toilet” has been fulfilled a hundred times, if not more. But if his recent words are anything to go by, the new President appears less certain of a positive outcome.
The truth of the facts (weekly review) |
The only indisputable fact is that five spetsnaz commandos were killed, and seven wounded. What is more, the outcome of the battle suggests that there must have been rather more insurgents than the nine claimed by Kadyrov. |
The games that tyrants play (weekly review) |
"In 2009 the number of terrorist crimes in southern Russia rose by about half compared to 2008, with 544 incidents reported... Most of this type of crime is committed in the Chechen Republic " |
The lame duck president (weekly review) |
Kadyrov’s success in the role of manager has been called into question. The Islamist fighters launched large-scale operations in Ingushetia, Dagestan and Chechnya, and adopted a new terrorist strategy. |
The Caucasus "Czar" (weekly review) |
Those entrusted with responsibility for the North Caucasus have included crooks, statesmen of solid reputation, and inscrutable envoys who left behind not even a memory of themselves. |
War without end |
The "emir" takes responsibility for the attacks, creating the impression of a powerful underground state whose citizens are "welded by a single purpose and connected by a single goal". |
The Sochi Winter Olympics and the Caucasian Islamist cause |
Umarov praises this region, declaring that "Krasnodar Krai, as the infidels call it, is in fact the land of our brothers, the best Muslims in this world, the land of the Adygs, the land of the Abazins, the land of the Circassians." |
Russia's Caucasian fate |
The region’s irreversible “Salafization” is leading to an increasing number of young men completely switching off from Russian information media and moving to an alternative space that exists in mosques and online forums. |
A project for the manager from Krasnoyarsk |
The crisis-ridden background of the North Caucasus is formed by the deep dissatisfaction of its peoples with their lives. Most of them believe that they have been treated unfairly. |
What is the future of Islam in Russia? |
Over time common sense, which debunks the utopias that inevitably turn everything into an Afghanistan or a Somalia, will be joined by the theologically sound alternative of "creative jihad”.
Ossetian-Ingush optimism - will it last? |
All the signs are that Moscow will not try to aggravate the internal situation in the republic by encouraging the return of the Ingush refugees, and will likely turn a blind eye to the fact that the process has once again failed. |
The Argun hydroelectric scheme |
I wonder what area is going to be flooded? Even though it is uninhabited now, I would not like the village where my grandfather and his two brothers grew up to fall within the flood zone.
Let's kill a generation |
People already crushed by Natasha’s murder knew that she would not be last. And yet it had seemed self-evident that after her death there would be a pause, a breathing-space. |
Some remarks on a strange article... |
We believe that everyone has an absolute right to freely express their point of view, and we offer our pages to people who hold different views (including those that do not coincide with our own). |
One year on - annals of the Kremlin's decadence |
All the crimes were devised and rationalized before Kadyrov – he is merely following a path that has already been laid down, and is carefully tracing the outline drawn in his student notebook by a cruel instructor. |
The Kremlin's European "alibi" |
Imagine that the remains of a man are found who upon forensic examination turns out to be an abducted resident of the republic, with a specific name, address and stolen life. At once the question arises: who abducted him?
Hello Sochi! |
It turns out that there never was any decades-long resistance by the mountain tribes, that their villages were never burned down, they were never driven out by force, and General Zass with his trunkloads of Circassian skulls never existed. |
Zero casualties |
The commanders tried to minimize losses among Russian soldiers and officers. This led to the bombing and shelling, the tactic of not tackling the enemy head-on, but of blockading it and destroying it remotely. Along with casual spectators.
The list is incomplete |
The hallmark of a terrorist act is violence directed against those who cannot defend themselves, and the securing of certain preferences by means of it. |
A naive killer |
Ibrahim Yevloyev is an Ingush, and all his efforts to evade the mountain law by which the Ingush have lived for a thousand years will ultimately bring no benefit either to himself or to his relatives. |
Killing the will for justice |
Now the question is: will the "special unit" whose creation was announced by Alexander Bastrykin in Grozny yesterday be allowed to investigate cases in accordance with the law, without regard for politics? |
The day of hatred |
Absolute power is sustained by irrational fear. It must periodically surprise and suppress its subjects by manifestations of infinite cruelty. |
Arshty |
These statements and others give a clear idea of the aim of the governments of all the republics of the North Caucasus today. Their function is mainly to provide a cover for the interests of the Russian security agencies.
Three Chechens |
The Chechen state of "Ichkeria" had little chance of survival. In the aggressive environment of Russia's presence in the Caucasus, that chance grew more slender with each passing month, until it came to nothing. |
Caucasus 2012 (part 2) |
Specific situations are more difficult. If a man puts on a suicide belt and blows himself up at a crowded bus stop, then for what sort of faith and truth did he kill all those people? |
Bloodied but unbowed |
The scheme worked until the Chechens found their way into it. They recognized neither "grandfathers" nor "spirits", nor even the officers, sometimes. |
Soldiers of failure |
A man who is untrained will not behave appropriately. He will be a coward when he needs to be brave and cruel, and an executioner when he needs to be calm and merciful. |
The Russian Chechens |
The Vikings did not aim to conquer the Chechens. They became Chechens. Just as they became Russians in Rus, and Frenchmen in France. |
Sheep |
The government in this scenario would be a group of adventurers with a smattering of ancient Arabic and a slightly better knowledge of the Rules for the Handling of Small Arms and Explosives. |
Irreconcilables |
Today people are accustomed to the notion that the majority is always right and that the minority must obey it. But this formula has been concocted by the minority that holds power in order to delude and control the masses. |
Commissioner's justice |
Hammarberg’s speech boiled down to a justification of Russia's leadership. According to him, blame for the killings and abductions in the North Caucasus lay at the door of the extremists. |
Unity as a pledge of victory |
The followers of Islam must themselves take steps to overcome internecine strife, and this is what Akhmed Zakayev seeks.
The Russian Caliphate |
Having renounced Communism, Russia has found itself facing the Caliphate unarmed, with its ideological pants down: money-grabbing, private interest and the worship of material prosperity have not proved a winner in the game of ideas. |
The London Agreement |
The London meeting was an unprecedented step forward in the search for peace and mutual understanding towards which Chechen society, until recently shattered and divided, is now moving.
Mission impossible |
The Chechens’ attempt at independence was not connected with the quest for freedom. As in Russia, but much more vigorously, the space won back from the empire (whether Soviet or Russian) was appropriated by the agents of chaos and enslavement. |
Russia's "highland customs" |
If in what is happening in the republic today there is some kind of tradition, it is certainly not a local one. It is a Russian tradition, continued with minor modifications from Imperial times through the Soviet period to the present day. |
The republic of beauty |
- This is a factory for the production of heroin and other hard drugs. It’s new - the opening ceremony was only the other day. And this plant produces automatic weapons for export. - |
Aldy – a case still open |
The film we present is dedicated to the massacre in the village of Novye Aldy on February 5, 2000. This incident was one of the most terrible and bloody pages of the war in Chechnya.
Novye Aldy – before and after |
What Russia’s military did in Novye Aldy was nothing unusual or untypical. It did not represent the height of their brutality and judged by their normal standards it was not a supremely wicked act. |
Novye Aldy Petition |
A group of Russian NGOs has started an online petition addressed to Russia's Prosecutor General in connection with the 10th anniversary of the massacre at Novye Aldy. |
The turn of the screw |
Suddenly there was a loud clang. The train seemed to slow down, and the coaches at the rear fell over on their side. Like matchsticks the trees on the slope lay down beneath the rapidly descending avalanche of metal.
Through a glass darkly |
On the driver’s side the window came down. Vakha looked inside. The driver's face was half-concealed by a white mask. The face of the woman passenger was also obscured – by the end of a trailing headscarf.
Recognition |
“We’ve fought for a long time against international terrorism. And we’ve fought for Russia’s territorial integrity. But we’ve never fought for independence. And we haven’t asked for it." |
Suicide attack |
Vakha and Yusup sat behind a concrete fence near the crossroads where the “cubicle” checkpoint was, scrutinizing everyone who approached and trying to work out if they were suspicious or not. |